Wednesday 14 September 2016

Why Nigeria needs ‘geo-economic’ zones.

Bolaji Ogunseye.

Nigeria has run out of funds, especially funds sufficient for easy looting. Times are hard. A governance system weaned on easy money, with leaders usually possessing little imaginative latitude for economic transformation, has “suddenly” become unable to meet even the most basic obligations, such as paying its employees’ salaries. The citizens are angry. Perhaps, the time is ripe for some fresh and original insights into how we see and describe ourselves and key phenomena within our polity. In my view, it’s problematic that Nigeria’s political lexicon came up first with the idea (phrase) of “geopolitical zones” in reference to our major ethno-geographic areas, while we have yet to find deeply-rooted and shared organising principles for economic modernisation and nation-building. Sustainable nation-building should be 90 per cent about economic policy, with positive socio-psychological values reinforcing good governance. So, why is Nigeria’s leadership so much about politics, and so little about sustainable development? Perhaps, a possible background may be that oft-quoted statement by Kwame Nkrumah, one of Africa’s political giants of the anti-colonial struggle. Nkrumah was famously reported to have declared in the 1950s that Africa’s newly independent countries should “Seek ye first the kingdom of politics, and all other things would be added unto you…” paraphrasing one of The Bible’s best known admonitions.

Failure to achieve either political or economic independence six decades after Nkrumah’s statement has left footprints of mass ultra-poverty, Africans crowded in huge, unsightly and de-humanising agglomerations of misery in slums across the continent. When leadership fails to create inclusive socio-economic well-being, typified, for instance, by the fight among the poor over access to productive assets and resources, such failure eventually inflames intra and inter-ethnic and/or religious passions and violence. In Nigeria’s case, crucial policies for economic development and nation-building have been treated as secondary and subsumed under the logic of desperate politicking and a do-or-die rivalry for power. This leads to the germination of real and imagined triggers of disharmony, which get embedded in society’s governance structures and systems.  Sooner or later, these dysfunctions produce a critical mass of murderous and socially-disruptive elements, such as represented by Niger Delta militancy, Boko Haram insurgency and the incipient pro-Biafra agitations. Across Africa, sadly – and, arguably more in Nigeria – dirty politics has overwhelmed sound macro-economic policy. Silly and polity-heating questions like, “Whose turn is it to rule?”; “Whose political zone should produce the next party chairman?”; “Which zone should produce the Senate President, House Speaker, Chairman of the Football Association”: “Which religion to produce the next railway corporation chairman?” among others. Agitations like these have sadly become embedded in the psyche of many of the selfish and anti-development characters that have populated Nigeria’s leadership and fouled up its socio-political space, especially in the post-civil war years.

Because there simply is TOO MUCH politics in the Nigerian air, such ultimately irrelevant questions also get transmitted to the popular consciousness, constituting an artificial background to our wobbly governance culture. Whereas the country so desperately needs a large number of “economic-development-focussed” politicians, we have ended up with politicians who are 90 per cent “politics-focused” 90 per cent of the time. The unfortunate term – “geopolitical zone” – re-enforces that pattern, conditioning the minds and perceptions of many public leaders, as well as many citizens, to regard politics for its own (power-winning) sake as the ultimate issue at stake in nation-building. Many Nigerians regard those six geopolitical zones as high-tension inner-chambers, from which regional and ethnic gladiators and godfathers should emerge to fight the epic political battle over who controls central power, and with it the allocation of resources and critical public positions at the national level. Ditto at the state level, local government areas, senatorial zones and ethnic groups.  The ultimate Nigerian political lie is that these wars of power mongering and individual greed are being fought on behalf of the citizens of those geopolitical and ethnic zones!

Politics is important, no doubt, and it impacts all of us individually and as a society, whether or not we choose to be interested in it. But politics (especially the Nigerian kind) has feet of clay in the most crucial areas of existential progress, enabling greedy and ethnicity-wielding politicians to drain society of its potential for economic progress and prosperity. An economy-focussed leadership, on the contrary, will accumulate and deploy needed public resources to build a healthy democracy as a tool for sustainable nation-building, particularly if supported by broadly-shared, public-service values. Let’s therefore challenge our leaders, civil society groups and other key stakeholders to seriously consider a formal re-designation of our six ethnic-group clusters as “geo-economic” zones. We should all then work hard to embed that new terminology in the popular psyche, such that those zones are henceforth seen as arenas for rivalry in creative economic and human development, geared to outperform other zones. The “geo-economic zones” should compete to have the best internationally-rated, industrial-production corridors, cutting-edge Science and Technology cities, scientifically prodigious youths, children who are ambitious to become robotics engineers, computer programmers, oil and gas technicians and world-class scientific researchers and inventors among others.

Since the middle of the 19th century, countries that put economic and industrial progress at the heart of their governance vision have embraced the idea of industrial cities or regions. Even theocratic Saudi Arabia, to cite a recent example, has embarked on the construction of four Economic Cities, which are envisaged to become its hubs for manufacturing, R&D, mass-employment generation and technological innovation. The Ruhr heartland served that purpose in Germany, the Rhone-Saone Corridor in France, the British Midlands, including the industrial cities of Northern England for the UK, Ukraine, for the former Soviet Union (perhaps why Russia still jealously eyes that country today), the auto-manufacturing city of Detroit –(‘Motown’) is a US example, while the Northern region of Italy and Eastern China (with all its EPZones) also fill this role for the latter two countries.

Because Nigeria is uniquely endowed with varied and evenly-spread natural resources across its six ethno-geographic zones, the natural basis already exists for creating an atmosphere of healthy rivalry in production, innovation and technological know-how. We need to establish economic-production or factory corridors within each of the six zones for optimal area-concentration and deployment of complementary resources, infrastructure, R&D and industrial-production. Where it’s efficient and sustainable to do so, the various zonal corridors should be interconnected by rail, road and water transport across different zones. Our elite have often ganged together to establish multi-ethnic and nationwide political conglomerates (parties) for political advantage in winning and keeping power. Time now to compete over positive drivers of socio-economic well-being and nation-building. Let’s extend the debate and political fights beyond “Whose turn is it to rule?” Let’s consign the term “geopolitical zone” into the rubbish bin of underdevelopment (where it has always belonged) and adopt the more grown-up and nation-building-friendly term “Geo-economic zone”. It’s a change that, in my view, will prove beneficial to, and popular with the masses and elite of Nigeria.

Ogunseye wrote in from Lagos via


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